Caring for Your Piano
Tips and information about effective piano maintenance
Your piano is both a beautiful piece of furniture and a complex musical instrument. Consequently, the exterior wooden cabinet and the internal action mechanisms need deliberate, sensible and sometimes professional care and maintenance. There are several things that you can do either by yourself or using the services of a qualified professional that will be essential to the health, well-being, appearance, and longevity of your piano. Doing these things will preserve your investment and lead to many years of enjoying your valued investment.
Your piano should be tuned regularly to the standard pitch of A440. Even if your piano is not played frequently, various factors cause it to go out of tune. Neglecting to get your piano tuned regularly will lead to it going further and further out of tune, requiring additional time and expense to eventually remedy the situation. An out-of-tune piano will also be a deterrent to you using the piano as you intended it to be used when you purchased it.
Exterior piano finishes are often equal to or better than those of high quality furniture. It is what caught your eye on the showroom floor and what initially impresses people who see your piano. Properly caring for the finish of your piano will preserve the luster and keep it looking like new. Specialized products are available which are particularly effective in maintaining the beautiful look of your piano. Benjamin Piano carries Cory Piano Care products which are recommended for your piano cleaning needs, including the keys, finished wood, etc. When dusting a piano, it is best to use a feather duster or a soft, damp cloth. Commercial sprays and polishes should be avoided because of the chemicals that they contain and their long-term effects. Cleaning the inside of your piano should be handled by your piano technician at the time of your regular service due to the delicate nature of the interior components.
As mentioned elsewhere on this site, your piano is particularly sensitive to changes in humidity. While whole-house or room humidifiers/dehumidifiers can sometimes help, they seldom are capable of maintaining a consistent level the way a special piano climate control system can. Benjamin Piano strongly recommends the installation of a Dampp-Chaser Piano Life Saver system for managing the relative humidity levels in and around the piano. For further details, please see our humidity control page.
Moving your piano should only be done by a qualified, professional piano mover. This is for the sake of the piano as well as for the protection of any individual(s) who might otherwise consider attempting a move. While Benjamin Piano does not offer piano moving services, we can make recommendations if you are in need of having a piano moved.
- Avoid placing your piano in direct sunlight
- Avoid placing plants, drinks, or candles on the piano
- Avoid positioning your piano in the vicinity of heating ducts or drafty areas
We serve...
…individuals, families, schools, churches and organizations who want quality, reliable service for their pianos. The goal is not to just tune your piano, but also to service it, so that you can expect many years of enjoyment out of your special investment.
We work...
…in towns and cities in and around the Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania, region including Langhorne, Newtown, Yardley, Richboro, Holland, Levittown, Bensalem, Bristol, Fairless Hills, Feasterville, Penndel, NE Philadelphia, and more!

We pledge... provide quality, affordable piano service with uncompromised integrity, honesty and reliability. Customer satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Virtually all piano manufacturers recommend that a piano be tuned a minimum of two times per year. Depending on environmental conditions, how the piano is cared for and used, and the quality of the piano, pianos may need to be tuned more often. Scheduling a tuning every six months is a good rule of thumb
How often a piano is used is only one contributing factor to a piano going out of tune. Other factors, most notably environmental fluctuations (especially humidity), affect a piano regardless. If a piano is not tuned regularly, added time and expense will be needed to achieve a satisfactory tuning at standard pitch. An out-of-tune piano will also likely actually be a deterrent to being played.
Not really. Of course you don’t want to be abusive to your piano, but playing a piano loudly in and of itself is not inappropriate. Some of the world’s greatest pianists past and present were known for playing loudly. It is possible that action parts such as hammers may show signs of wear sooner, but that is not a reason to not play it the way you prefer to play it.
Under normal circumstances, it usually takes 1.25 – 1.5 hours to tune a piano that has been on a regular maintenance schedule. If a pitch raise is needed, that can add another 45 – 60 minutes to the process.
Regulation is basically adjusting your piano to play the way it was designed to be played. Regulation generally involves ajusting various parts according to manufacturer specifications with notable consideration and awareness to ultimately do what it takes to simply function best. There are approximately 20 unique, precision adjustments that can be made to each of the 88 notes on a piano, so regulation is significant process that takes patience, time and expertise.
YES! There are several ways that you can get discounts with Benjamin Piano. If you refer a friend for service, they will get $5 off of their first service and you will get $5 off of your next service. Also, if you stay on a regular maintenance schedule (typically every six months), you will receive a $10 discount for each tuning. At the time of your tuning, you will be given a reminder magnet that indicates your next tuning due date for discount eligibility. Additionally, we also run specials from time to time on other services such as Dampp-Chaser system installations.